Nonprofit Accounting Services

Hampton Roads nonprofit accounting

Operating a flourishing nonprofit organization hinges on obtaining sufficient funding and managing it well. There are very specific financial rules and regulations governing the activities of nonprofits so you must have the talent in place to make every dollar count. Colonial CPA Group has the knowledge and experience to provide accounting and tax services for all kinds of not-for-profit organizations.

Our nonprofit accounting services will organize and improve your financial processes to make the most of your donations so you can accomplish the most good. We'll bring clarity to your financial statements, so you can easily see where your money is going and where you can eliminate expenses. With us in charge of your books, you'll have more time to further your mission by increasing member enrollment and obtaining new sources of funding.

As your financial advisor, we'll make sure you avoid any income-generating activities, so you can keep your tax exempt status. If you haven't applied yet, we can assist you in filing the necessary paperwork and, at the end of the year, we'll prepare your Form 990 tax return.

Accounting and Tax Services for Nonprofits

  • Non-profit accounting
  • Cash flow management
  • Financial statements
  • Internal controls analysis and improvements
  • Tax planning and compliance
  • Help filing for tax exempt status
  • Assistance applying for government grants

What sets us apart from other Hampton Roads, VA CPAs is our enthusiasm for the work nonprofits perform in the local community and our desire to help them succeed. Contact one of our offices to learn more.